Monday, September 27, 2010

My Political Views

My view on Politics is very weak. I know little about our government, but I hope to gain more knowledge while I'm taking my ACC Government class. However, my parents are very much into politics. My dad is a strong Republican and my mom is a strong Democrat. I would have to say that I am neutral as of now, but I'm sure that as I continue to learn more about politics, I will end up choosing a side.

I wish I knew much more about our government and politics than I do now because I feel as if it will be a bit hard for me to keep up in the beginning. I will have to study hard and want to learn about the subjects we will be studying in order to get a high grade in this class.

I honestly can say I have no political background, but wish to have one eventually. As i said in earlier text; I wish to have a strong political profile soon and I have no idea which side I will choose. I will just have to see where this takes me.